Instant download cart is a PHP/MySQL driven cart for e-products. It will allow you to have the entire cart in your site, and only redirect the user to PayPal for the final payment. Upon return on your site, the script will verify the payment with PayPal, and if everything is ok, it will display the download links, otherwise it will give an error message.
Main features are:
Administrator Interface:
u Product Upload: This is the heart of the script. Here you can upload your e-
products. For each product you can upload the file, provide Category,
Subcategory, Title, Description, price, and Keywords (only useful with the
Catalog and Search Add-on). A special feature of the Upload Manager is the
ability to use a specific image as button for each product, so you can have a
different button for each product.
The script comes with a local php.ini file that overrides the standard php.ini
settings and allows you to upload product files up to 52 Mb each. At upload
completed, the script will display a confirmation page, with the necessary
code to copy/paste in your pages (just as with PayPal buttons) to create the
Add to Cart buttons.
u Script Setup: In this section you can change the administrators username
and password, site Title, your email address and your contact-form URL.
These are then used by the script for the automated emails.
u PayPal details: Here you can provide/change all your PayPal details like
PayPal email, Identification token, thank you page, return page, continue
shopping page, currency, preferences, initial Order nr. etc.
Database Manager:
u Products and Orders tables, with all details. You can List, edit view, add,
delete, print, and export all your database info, in Excel, Word, PDF, XML
and CSV format. You can query the database with ANY criteria among the
database fields, or with criteria combinations. Full control over your data.
User Interface:
u The user simply clicks on Add to Cart buttons that take him to the Cart
page. Alternatively, if you like, a in-page frame with the nr. of items in the cart
and the total amount can be displayed. A separate View Cart button allows
to view the cart.
u Upon checkout, the user is asked to proceed to PayPal for payment. Once
he has paid, he is taken back to the site, and the script will automatically
display the download links. Automated emails are sent to the administrator
with each email, and also to the user. The user can re-download his order for
a number of days preset by the administrator.
u The script will verify the payment with PayPal and will receive back from
PayPal the Order details. It compares them to the ones stored in the
database, and will also check if the payment is complete (e-cheques are
NOT considered a completed payment). If everything is ok, it will allow the
download. If ANYTHING doesn't match EXCACTLY what the script expects
to see, an automated email is send to the Administrator. Appropriate
messages are displayed on the user's screen.
u Product files are uploaded in the site with code filenames, and are
downloaded with their titles as file names. The coded names make it
practically impossible to download the files guessing from the actual
product/file name.
Add-on Module that allows:
u Automatic catalog creation: the script will create both the product catalog
and the single product pages, retrieving the necessary details from the
u Product search by category, or title, or keywords.
For pricing, please contact us.
IDC : Instant Download Cart
Customized Instant Download Cart
by DBTechnosystems.com