Copyright 2006-2024 All rights reserved.
The DBTS Admin MySQL Object Extension is based on the WB6 Admin Object code, which has, however, been significantly modified. Feedback is greatly appreciated. It is freely available to all WB users, and can be embedded in any work, personal or commercial. You are not allowed to redistribute or sell this extension. This software is delivered AS IS. By installing and using it, you agree that Pablo Software Solutions or DB Technosystems will not be held liable for ANY damage, of ANY type, caused by the use of this software. Installing and using this software implies that you fully and unconditionally accept these terms. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Please fully test before using it.
The DBTS Admin MySQL Object Extension is the result of many of hours of work, and will be continuously updated to keep up with users feedback. Updating the software and supporting users also requires a considerable amount of work. If you feel that this Extension has made the difference for your site, and you want to support its development, consider donating any amount you feel is right for you.  
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DBTS Admin Object WB6 Extension

Admin object MySQL Database Demo v.2.0
Quality software for dynamic web applications. Worldwide.
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